Asylum accommodation requests: caseworker guidance 9 October 2023

The Immigration staff guidance on requests from asylum seekers asking to be accommodated in London or a particular part of the UK has been updated so that policy is clarified.

Exemptions for visa applications: caseworker guidance 10 October 2023

The list of exempt organisations in the Immigration staff guidance on how to handle exemptions for visa applications made outside the UK has been updated to reflect present legislation.

Asylum decision making prioritisation: caseworker guidance 11 October 2023

The content of the Immigration staff guidance on prioritisation of initial asylum decision making, has been reviewed in relation to the progression of cases with barriers.

Immigration status and enforcement action: caseworker guidance 13 October 2023

Changes have been made to the Guidance on cancellation and curtailment to reflect:

  • Immigration Rules changes which removed the right to seek an administrative review under Appendix AR (EU) against any eligible decision made on or after 5 October 2023, unless it is an eligible decision in relation to Appendix Service Providers from Switzerland
  • inclusion of sample wording for decision letters on the exercise of discretion
  • information to include on cancellation decision notices
  • breakdown of a relationship on the British National Overseas route
  • minor housekeeping changes

Biometric information: caseworker guidance 13 October 2023

The ‘enrolment guidance’ in the Immigration staff guidance on managing an applicant’s biometric information has been updated, so the ‘long term reasons’ set out who has authority to agree to reuse biometrics or excuse them.


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